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Waht’s the secret to make happy the brides?

When a future bride decides to find her dress, there is a lot of emotion and a pinch of uncertainty.

It is essential who the bride is feeling ease because She has to try a real experience that it will remain in her memories.

One of thing more inportant is to love own job, Caterina Riotto owner of the Atelier Aline knows very well.

How is born Atelier Aline brides?

In the 1978, althought the period wasn’t easy for the women who chose became businesswoman, Mrs Ferrini Raffaella with courage and resolution, She decides to start an enterprise of tailoring in her house. She sewed dress with tailoring style for the future brides.

Following about a great success, Raffaella makes a decsion to continue her business in a more suitable space to Poggibonsi. After variuos reserches and transfers She chose to rimain close to the historical centre, so the Atelier Aline has been own history for 20 years in Via del Commercio.

After a few time Raffaella needs to have a person that she helps her at her side about the creation of dress, Caterina will be at her side for a long period.

Years pass and Raffaella isn’t able to continue own activity, which she has always fulfill with passion, so in the 2013 Atelier Aline hand in Caterina.

Caterina knows very well that she has in her hands an inheritance of great worth, it’s does sacrificies but also many satisfactions.

Today we can say that Atelier Aline, continue its journey go through history, a history makes of passion and determination with the same purpose to make happy the future bride.


Aline Anni 80′

A trip go through emotions

After I had the opportunity to visit one of the most important exhibition of wedding sector, the “Bridal Fashion Week Barcelona” I undestood how meticulousness and care, there is in the research of fabrics, models and precious materials.

To became the brides dreams come true, there is a great work of art, creativity and excessive care.

Thanks to Caterina, I can to follow step by step behind the scene, the chose of set of samples that a bridal store deides to present to the future brides.

While the visit the stands of the house of fashion, there is an unbelievable variety of style, from the sumptuous dress to simple, or from more romantic dress to modern.

Why chose Atelier Aline brides?

Caterina is very careful on the selection of dress and this choise reflects her personality but also who kind of bride she address.

Surely the elegance don’t miss and the dress are in romantic style and more sensual but without overstatment. Dress with cristal applications to stand out the bride who in that day she will shine of own light without excess.

What’s inspired Caterina?

Simply from the emotion that dress triggers her, so that it falling love the future brides exactly as she is felt in love when she choose it.

In Atelier you can find brand like, Pronovias, Nicole, Rosa Clarà.

The new collection about 2024 are Alberto Palatchi and Evie Young Bridal.

Alberto Palatchi’s collection 2024

So dears brides, are you ready to live an emotional experience about the research of your dress?

The most beautiful things of the world can’t see neither touched. Needed feel them with the heart.
(Helen Keller)

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